Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sharecropping and tenant farming


Sharecropping was a system used after the reconstruction period. A sharecropper, someone who was unable to own land but instead worked for someone who did, was paid for their labor with crops instead of cash. This was because farm owners, yet rich in land, were yet not rich in cash. This system was theoretically benefiting both parties, referring to land owners and sharecroppers. This was so because in the case of landowners, previously, they relied heavily on slaves to tend their crops. Since slavery has been newly abolished, a farmer has no one to tend to their crops. This is when sharecroppers, most often former slaves, step in. when enslaved, slaves were somewhat provided a decent shelter and a portion of food to survive on. By themselves, they had no one and nothing.  By becoming a sharecropper, the idea of not knowing when your next meal would be and where you would sleep tonight was relieved.  Also, while working, they were ensured with half of the harvest.

Tenant farmers
Tenant farmers, unlike sharecroppers were able to own plowing animals, equipment and other supplies. As well, after each harvest they7 would receive either two thirds or three quarters of the harvest. Sharecroppers, on the other hand, were only promised half of the harvest; while also deducting from their “pay” extra necessities they asked for.   He “bosses” of tenant farmers often provided food and the most basic necessities due to the lack of farm credit. 

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