Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Henry McNeal Turner

He was born in 1834 in Newberry courthouse, South Carolina. Although not born into slavery due to ancestral status, he was still perceived by others as a black man. He was never officially sold; instead he was taken in to live with the Quaker family. While under their household, and 15, he took a janitorial ob at a law firm. Although his task most often consisted of cleaning and organizing, the lawyers working at this from were able to notice the intelligence and knowledge this man beheld. Here, he was able to receive a suitable education. Toward the end of his janitorial job, he was converted into a Methodist and therefore decided his purpose in life would be to become a preacher. After many successful years of preaching and giving life changing revivals, when the civil war came around, he transferred his main focus onto politics. He helped greatly in the organization of the first regiment of the U.S colored troops and Georgia Republican Party. 

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