Thursday, February 7, 2013


On January 31, 1865, Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment which, on ratification, abolished slavery in America. The vote in the House was 121 to 24.(AP Photo)

  Slavery has never been a subject taken lightly. Slaves suffered most of their lives. From the moment they were born to the moment they died, or in many few cases, granted freedom. From a very young age, they were given tasks. There were two kinds of slaves, those who worked rice, cotton plantations, or those who were house servants. Being a field slave was harsh. As for those slaves who worked on cotton plantations used a gang system. This meant they worked from sun up to sun down. Since it did not matter how much cotton was picked but that they had to work all day, slaves would work slowly. This caused for owners to pick drivers. Drivers were slaves who were loyal to their owners who then were then given the task of watching slaves as they worked and made sure they kept a steady pace. As for the field slaves who worked the rice plantations had task systems. This simply meant that they were told what to do in a certain time and then were able to do what they'd like. Just like when your mom gives you chores. You wash the dishes and clean your room in 35 minutes and then you get the rest of the day for yourself. In this free time, slaves spent their time with family or at church. Even though it was illegal for slaves to get married, slave owners found that this favored them. Not only would this bring their communities together but it would increase the number of slaves he owned without purchase. As for their time in church, they either went to church with their owner or attended a black church with the exception of a white man present to supervise. Basically, slaves had absolutely no rights. They couldn't even defend themselves in court for being treated publicly inhumanely. They’re education was denied and so was their freedom. 

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